How to Completely Change Your Body Image
8 Life-Changing Strategies to Create a Body You Love
To Join This Course, CLICK HERE.
Are you your own biggest critic? When you look in the mirror, do you see progress or imperfections? Do you believe you'll feel happier when your body looks a certain way?
I can't wait to help you:
❌stop using body image as a tool to control your level of happiness
❌stop hiding in photos or fearing the camera
❌remove the shame and guilt around your current size
❌stop feeling like people are lying when you get a nice compliment
❌stop hiding in baggy clothes or using a bikini as the reward
Somewhere along your journey, someone or something convinced YOU that you weren't beautiful enough. It's time to change that voice. You were BORN with unstoppable belief inside yourself, and being happy in your own skin is not exclusive to skinny or fit people.
Learn immediate tips to:
✅release the daily stress around body image
✅stop struggling against the old in order to create the new
✅lose weight, feel great and maintain it
✅take action steps to accelerate yourself to your goals
It's time to stop hating yourself and start creating yourself. Because nobody can change the way you feel about yourself, BUT YOU.
StartCourse Workbook
StartDay 1: When did you become convinced you that you're not beautiful? (11:35)
StartDay 2: How a Yo Yo diet can mess with your body image (12:59)
StartDay 3: Learn how to accept a compliment (8:37)
StartDay 4: Dress your body, not your body image (6:25)
StartDay 5: Simple tricks to lose weight and grow taller (6:30)
StartDay 6: Camera shy? How your body image affects everything (6:18)
StartDay 7: Mirror, mirror! What do you see in your reflection? (7:26)
StartDay 8: You are not just a BEFORE or AFTER (7:06)