FAQ and Support

Teachable Support for Students & Affiliates


Q: I submitted my application for affiliate. How long does it take for me to access my affilliate link?

A: Usually it takes 24-48 hours to get approved, M-F.

Q: Where do I find my teachable affiliate code?

A: First make sure you received the email you were approved (see above). Once you are approved, you can find it on the dashboard here: (1) Go to "view my affiliate dashboard" in the menu on top right, then once you see dashboard (2) go to 'links and resources' on the menu on the top left!

Q. I am stuck on affiliate dashboard and now I can't see any classes I'm enrolled in. Help!

A. You can click "strong confident living" in the upper left or just click on this link to see your courses:


Q. How to understand my teachable dashboard.

A. Here is an OVERVIEW.

Q. I need additional support from teachable. How can I access support?

A. If it's not a question for us, and it's more of a technical question for using the teachable platform, you can always submit a new ticket through the link below:

Submitting a Support Ticket - https://sso.teachable.com/secure/teachable_accounts/tickets/new#/form/bug

Or, for more information on where to get help, they can take a look at the following article:

Where to Get Help - https://support.teachable.com/hc/en-us/articles/220752368

Got additional questions? Please post below!

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